Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kite Activities for Summer with Omnifile

If you're looking for summer activity projects for primary grade children, check out "Let's Go Fly a Kite," an article from the March/April issue of Instructor, available in full text on Omnifile. In this article, the writer suggests a number of activities that help with art skills, basic geography, and math, as well as providing a good starting point for discussing Chinese culture, an opportunity for shared learning, and a chance for kids to have fun.

The article "Kite Explorations," in the September 2006 edition of Science and Children, also offers recommendations for books that can be used to harness children's excitement about kites and connect that excitement to investigations relating to wind, technology, and the design of experiments.

You can find the full text of these articles, as well as many more ideas for summer activities for children of all ages, in Omnifile. 

You can also find many more pictures of kites and other flying machines in Art Museum Image Gallery.

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